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Student Iraqi Medical Association (SIMA) is a voluntary, non-profit organisation. For the last decade it has brought together medical and dental applicants, university students and healthcare professionals from across London.


One of our key event themes is widening participation. For the past decade we have been running our highlight event, the SIMA Interview course, covering panel and MMI medicine and dentistry interviews. We have worked to help hundreds of students get into medical and dental school across the country with low cost, accessible events, covering all aspects of entry to medical and dental school.

SIMA seeks to unite healthcare professionals through fundraising and education, in order to get to know each other and build a strong community which benefits society as a whole. We aim to support charities working to help the Iraqi community and endeavour to run social, educational and fundraising events to support these causes and community spirit.


Furthermore we are keen on helping medical and dental students through their journey at university, providing regular tutorials on common topics such as anatomy and physiology; as well as running career events that allow students to widen their horizons and be inspired by leading doctors and dentists.


We host many events throughout the year, targeted at both sixth form and university students. Stay tuned to our social media pages and website for more.


careers speakers with committee 2019
committee pic
2018 committee
2018 committee 2
Interview 2019

©2020 Student Iraqi Medical Association

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