Ali Abdul Hussein
3rd Yr Medicine at Imperial College London
Mohammad Abdulla
3rd Yr Dentistry at Barts
Zeena Radif
Vice President
3rd Yr Dentistry at Barts
Hussein Al-Tamimi
3rd Yr Dentistry at Barts

Naz Ismail
3rd Yr Medicine at Barts
Dania Mehdi
Medical Lead
3rd Yr Medicine at Barts
Fatma Mahderbashi
Medical lead
4th Yr Medicine at St George's
Karar Al-Atia
Dental Lead
3rd Yr Dentistry at Barts
Charity Officer
Hi, I’m a second year medical student studying at UCL.
I’m excited to expand our charitable endeavours.

Luay Karim
Dental lead
3rd Yr Dentistry at Barts
Fatima Al-Kilabi
Medical Officer
3rd Yr Medicine at UCL
Dalia Mohammed
Medical Officer
3rd Yr Medicine at UCL
Ali Saliman
Dental Officer
2nd Yr Dentistry at King's College London

Tala Zayat
Dental officer
2nd Yr Dentistry at Barts
Riyad Zaini
Surgery Lead
3rd Yr Medicine at Imperial College London
Hadi Jawad
Surgery Lead
3rd Yr Medicine at University of Keele
Ali Mohammed
Widening Participation officer
5th year Medicine at Imperial College London
Meeran Hamawandi
Widening Particpation officer
2nd Yr Medicine at Imperial College London
Yusef Mohammed
Media Officer
3rd Year Medicine at UCL
Besme Jassim
Publicity Officer
3rd Yr Medicine at Imperial College London
Omar Nazhat
Socials Officer
3rd Yr Medicine at Imperial College London

Faye Zobedey
Socials Officer
2nd Yr Dentistry at Barts
Heba Al-Sattar
Charity Officer
2nd Yr Dentistry at Barts
Dania Khunda
Charity Officer
3rd Yr Medicine at Imperial College London
Ali Al-Kulabi
Alumni Officer
Graduated Medic from University of Cambridge

Yousif Aldabbagh
Alumni Officer
Graduated Medicine from UCL
Mohammed Alradhawi
Alumni Officer
Graduated Medicine from UCL

For more information on our events or to chat with our team, we invite you to get in touch.